Wanderlust pretty much drives everything I do and these free printable travel art wall decor were perfect for my camper! They only took a few minutes to print out and design for my walls! I simply picked up 2 cheap frames at my local thrift store, spray painted the frame with this spray paint, printed out the artwork (PDF files below) and used Command Strips to attach them onto my camper walls!
You’ll notice in the file below that the “ADVENTURE” sign is available in 9 different colors too! ALL for free – because I LOVE sharing my passion of traveling with others! Why pay for cool adventure art work when you can get it free right!?
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Explore & Adventure Travel Printable Wall Art

I actually leave the picture frame up in my camper all winter long, even after we winterize it. I have had no issues with glass cracking due to the cold weather. If you love this simply art work please share it with your friends and pin it here on Pinterest!
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