Ever since I was in 5th grade, and perhaps even before then, I found myself deeply obsessed with King Tut. I’m not really sure why – perhaps it was the 24 page magazine that we spent all year creating in class (I chose King Tut as my subject because I always had a fascination for Egyptian mummies) or maybe it grew over time after collecting every news article I could get my hands on about this famous pharaoh and discovery.
Or maybe it was the secret (or not so secret) desire to be an archeologist and discover my very own mummy!
Either way when I saw that there was a King Tut exhibit – piled with exact replicas of his tomb – just a few hours from where we live there was absolutely NO QUESTION about it. We were going for our 12th (wedding) anniversary – and we did!
The Putnam Museum has SO much more to see but by the time we made it through the King Tut exhibit my 1 year old was ready to head out and take a nap so we’ll have to come back to explore the rest. (The exhibit is open through September 5, 2016.)
Please enjoy this small yet picture heavy post full of amazing wonders from the exhibit – hand created exact replicas from Egypt. Upon entry we received audio handsets and the first few sections of the exhibit were timed in conjunction with the headsets.
I would have loved to stand there and take more photos and stare in awe at some of the scenes – exactly built just as Howard Carter saw it when he entered King Tut’s tomb!
I mean look at the incredible detail! Can you imagine the splendor Egyptian pharaohs had during their reign?!
I entered the exhibit thinking that I already knew most of the history around King Tut – after all I’ve been obsessed with his story and Carter’s incredible discovery for over 20 years now – but guess what? I learned WAY more that I had no idea about! My husband was so kind and generous as I spent forever at each exhibit totally geeking out.
My dream is to actually go to Egypt someday and tour INSIDE these tombs although I know it’s highly unlikely that I’ll ever have the opportunity to do so!
There were items from the tomb, replicas of jewelry, swords, boxes, and all sorts of things.
And oh goodness I felt like I was staring at the real artifacts themselves. The replicas are incredibly stunning. I just wanted to reach out and touch everything (but I didn’t!).
I’m not sure why but this display really caught my eye – perhaps the milky white against the colorful sarcophagus.
Not the best picture because of the many reflections but to me this was the saddest part of the museum. I did not realize that King Tut even had children (as he was a child himself!) and I definitely did not realize that they were buried with him! (although already deceased) Such tiny sarcophaguses!
This shrine replica was absolutely the most stunning piece in the museum collection simply due to it’s sheer volume and shine. I just wanted to hug it – haha!
Here is the back end of the same shrine. Look how tall it is!!! Can you imagine that inside a pyramid tomb!
Standing there staring at the death mask made me feel like I was looking at a photo in a National Geographic magazine. It was absolutely mesmerizing. I really loved that I saw some of the same artifacts displayed differently throughout the museum. First in the piles laid in the room as Carter found it – then more up close and singled out.
Look at that shimmer!
One of the room replicas – I love the Egyptian box with hieroglyphics in the front!
The exhibit was a little confusing to follow and find my way out since I had to use the elevator with our stroller as it was on various levels and floors.
In the “basement” there was an exhibit “Unearthing Ancient Egypt” where there were real Egyptian artifacts and a mummy along with equally stunning displays and an interactive video for kids.
Overall – definitely one of the most exquisite museum exhibits I’ve ever been to and I can’t imagine going to anything finer. My heart was so happy after going to this exhibit! I learned a lot, I was rightfully awestruck at the artifacts and I’d go back in a heartbeat if I could!
Jen Ciha says
THANKS for all the great pictures! I wish I had found this info out earlier. We won’t make it before Sept 5th but it will be fun to show my kids the pictures!